Akashic Records

September 2, 2022

In this past month, I’ve held 3 beautiful Akashic Records readings. 3 more than I had planned to facilitate again. These sessions have enriched my soul in a deep way 💎🌹✨

When I started my training in the Records, I wasn’t sure if I’d be offering readings for anyone else.

This sounds familiar, doesn’t it? I told myself the same when I embarked on a 4yr+, 700hr+ study to become a yoga therapy teacher lol. My teachers’ lineage is rooted in Taoism and Tantra - this was the beginning of my remembrance to my own dharma. I then went on to hold several hundred (~ 700!) yoga sessions for others—an experience I’ll forever hold tenderly in my heart.

With the Records, I simply wanted to learn how to play in the high vibrational field for my own healing, as I had just emerged from a dark night of the soul..& was entering into a great rebirth and sacred initiation. Into the path of Divine Mother, of the deep feminine, of priestess. All of which arrived subtly, yet also profoundly. Usually on the acupuncture table, in contemplation, or during pranic healing. All a gentle remembrance—a primal knowing—of my ancient lineage and of the sacred work I was placed on earth to live out. No need to shout or proclaim this newfound knowing—I told myself—because my role in this divine path is to BE in complete presence of this sacred experience, of Divine.

After working through some of the most intense initiations regarding my physical health + womb, particularly during the 11 months in which I had uterine bleeding every day up until the day of my surgery..I thought surely I might never have enough Qi, Prana, Manna again to sustain such a high vibrational space for others. I retreated, in preservation of my Life Force, which was absolutely necessary for my recovery.

Of course, Spirit works quickly (if time is even a thing). And in divine timing ;), I was invited to begin to offer Akashic readings to dear friends who had requested this service. And I’ve learned that when God sends you urges—and calls upon your services which you’ve trained lifetimes to offer—it’s really just a whole lot more easeful if you say yes lol.

And so I did. And so it is. All paths have led to here. 🙏🏼💫💎


It’s all in harmony…if you really listen


Summer Solstice